Man installs ‘Street Fridge’ for the Needy

Kindness Blog

A man in the Saudi city of Hail has put a fridge outside his house and called on neighbours to fill it with food for the needy, it seems. The man, who prefers to remain anonymous, told neighbours this would spare poor people the ‘shame’ of asking for food.

A man in the Saudi city of Hail has put a fridge outside his house and called on neighbours to fill it with food for the needy, it seems. The man, who prefers to remain anonymous, told neighbours this would spare poor people the 'shame' of asking for food, the Gulf News newspaper reports.

Source: BBC News

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Scandalous? I am Married and Dating.

An intriguing write up by Jarrid Wilson. Please read his story before you form an opinion. First of, the definition of dating…

“Dating is a time where you get to learn about someone in a special and unique way. Why would you want that to ever stop? It shouldn’t. Those butterflies you got on the first date shouldn’t stop just because the years have passed.”

Why don’t you read the entire story? dating, while married

Tom Attwater Is Dying. His Daughter Might Die, Too. The Letter He Left For Her Is Unforgettable.

Just a moving story that will move you deeply. Read on.

Kindness Blog

Tom Attwater is dying of a brain tumor, but he isn’t worried about his cancer. Instead, he is trying to save his 5 year-old daughter from her own.

tom attwater Tom Attwater with daughter Kelli and wife Joely

He has vowed to raise approximately $820,200.00 for her cancer treatment, even if he wouldn’t be around to see her go through it.

Now Tom is almost half way to his fundraising target he is more adamant than ever to reach it. Tragically his deadline is short as his latest scans show his brain tumour is growing.

He says: “These days people make bucket lists, and the very top of mine – the one that matters most – is raising money to make sure Kelli gets the medical help she might need.

Tom attwater

“Some people have advised me to slow down and concentrate on enjoying the rest of my days. But how can I knowing…

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It is NOT OVER. Restoration after Adultery/Infidelity.

HOPE for LOST RELATIONSHIPS…Absolutely possible.

“Pastor Ron Carpenter’s Wife, Hope, Returns to SC Megachurch as He Rebukes Christian Leaders Who Supported His Desire for Divorce”

For some, everything ends when it gets dark and I know for a few it doesn’t. I believe in God’s super-natural power to heal, restore and empower any relationship, circumstance or situation. This story will encourage, impact, touch, revitalize some one’s marriage. If you need additional assistance, do not hesitate to reach out.

When a marriage is faced with adultery, infidelity and betrayal it will require everything and even more. When God is allowed into such dead situations and circumstances…in ways beyond human logic and abilities, such dead situations have a way of becoming stepping stones. PS: There are numerous issues to consider and all cases are not similar so I want to caution against applying a broad brush to all cases.

Recall Ron Carpenter’s words from his Oct. 2013 confession of his marital woes, which the Pentecostal preacher had said involved adultery and an unspecified “sickness” on his wife’s -Hope Carpenter’s part, Ron Carpenter reminded congregants of his emotional state at the time in explaining why he had been dead set against reconciling with his wife.

We all understand that…
He further explained …that the emotion was so raw at the time that he had told those helping his wife, who had voluntarily checked into an unidentified facility, that she would not be welcomed back to the home they had shared.

When the SUPER-NATURAL steps in…

Carpenter’s then relayed that afterward, he had an exchange with God in which he said he heard the “near audible” voice of God tell him to call Mrs. Carpenter at the facility she had voluntarily checked into “and tell her you will not abandon her.” Out of what he said was a “sheer fear of God” and not “lovey-dovey feelings,” Carpenter did what he felt God wanted him to do.

“A man can only put away his wife because of the hardness of his heart,” Carpenter repeated, returning to the Mark 10 passage.

“I read that Scripture on my way toward filing papers and I’m thinking, ‘I don’t want to live like that. … How can I preach every Sunday with a hard heart?”
“How am I going to get up and preach to the grace and the mercy and the goodness of God and my heart’s full of brick and mortar? I looked at God and said, ‘I don’t want to live like that.'”

Pastor Carpenter reminded congregants that the marriage vow was not only between the husband and wife, but also between the couple and God.
“These are vows to God. God takes covenant so serious. And if you cannot mean your vows, don’t go up there,” the minister added.

It’s an awesome testimony of the power of the word of God. It’s probably better to watch the video in the link as it’s his first hand account.–114699/

This is definitely encouraging and whilst theirs will be a daily walk/ journey of recovery. It really starts with a choice.

God bless,
Relationships Do Matter

Alone in the City 3

It’s weird when who one has, isn’t who one wants.
It’s also weird when who one needs isn’t who one is with.
It is also weird when one knows who the right one is before he or she is even in the picture. Guess what, it really isn’t that weird after all.

Here’s the latest post by the lady who is Alone in the City.

Go with my gut?

A few weeks ago, I was asked out on a date by an administrator at a school where I help out with extracurricular events. As he was in charge of all after-school programs, I was required to meet up with him every week to discuss the program’s direction and progress. I hadn’t realized that he had been checking me out.

I agreed to the date even though I had never considered him a romantic prospect. I have always preferred meeting potential dates randomly, in person, than online. I just think it’s more organic. Anyway, we went to a restaurant, ate and conversed for about two hours.

On paper and in person, he was a good potential partner. He had been at his job for over 10 years, owned his own home, played sports, tall and pleasant looking…as far as I could tell, this guy would be perfect for me or any girl for that matter.

So why did I feel absolutely no attraction. Even after our date, I thought maybe he could grow on me but I found myself forgetting about him until a text would come in from him, reminding me that he existed.

“Go on a second date,” my sister advised. “Many people don’t feel an attraction right away. Sometimes, these things take time.”

But I know myself. I’m a “love (or at least, like) at first sight type of girl. If I’m not feeling the guy early, I know I’ll never feel any chemistry with him. There have been times in the past where I haven’t followed my instincts and have ended up being accused of “leading someone on”.

He wrote the other day to ask if I wanted to go see a movie and I took a rain check. Should I bother, knowing I feel no attraction for this guy? Or is it possible for cold, non-existent feelings to eventually turn warm? Is chemistry really all that important or can love grow over time?

Thank you all for reading so far, and I look forward to your responses.

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Alone in the City” is A Relationships Do Matter (RDM) Production 2014

“SIZZLING HOT” MARRIAGE – A perfect valentine’s day gift for married couples.

HOT MARRIAGE or HOT MONOGAMY sounds like an oxymoron and often we allude HOT to only a DATE, A PERSON or an AFFAIR.

There is a place for a HOT MARRIAGE.

I have been married for more than 15 years and honestly the novelty of a bouquet of roses, candies or perfumes as an ideal valentine’s day gift has worn off. I have to be more creative than that, it does help that my spouse doesn’t really rank those items as critical must haves anymore so that helps but guys if your spouse considers those as must haves, the smart play is to get one or all in addition with this special gift I am recommending.

For us, with the parental responsibilities, work, career, ministry work we are involved in, creating legacy comes to mind as the ultimate focus and being in the same ‘space’ carries more credence than presents. So for us, moving from PRESENTS to PRESENCE is logical. Or like I love to say in my coaching work, the right play for us is moving from being ‘everywhere’ a generalist to being ‘in the moment’.

It’s about enjoying the moments, the jokes, making mistakes and enjoy the process of correction, change and growth. Before you run off thinking how easy this sounds let me summarize common themes from our marriage that I know is applicable to almost all marriages.

Here are some facts we can all agree on –

  1. Marriage is hard and tedious work.
  2. Marriage is not for the immature.
  3. Marriage demands focus and grit.
  4. Marriage works best when both parties are committed to the same goals.
  5. Marriage is God’s idea and it’s marvelous, special and glorious. In addition, it will require God’s grace and power as well.
  6. Marriage demands faithfulness, selflessness and the ability to handle boredom and routine.

If I may, let me encourage all the married readers to consider giving your spouses the gift of a SIZZLING HOT MARRIAGE.

So here are some pointers from Kristen Welch @WeareTHATfamily from her article, “Habits of a Hot Marriage in the Middle of Motherhood and Monotony”. She mentioned how habits take some time to develop and often times require 21 days or more. Try the following six habits for the next month and see what happens she dares. Why don’t we take this dare on?

Daily Habits:

  • Touch everyday: Make a conscious effort to grab his hand, run your hands through her hair, kiss for a couple of seconds. Set a goal to physically touch his arm when you’re talking, tackle him in a hug in your closet, pat her butt on the way out the door.
  • Be good forgivers: Perhaps the most crucial key is forgiveness. Listen, marriage is the union of two people prone to mistakes and sin. You can’t control your spouse, but you can forgive. Refuse to pick them apart, turn molehills into mountains and wave the banner of unforgiveness.
  • Make the little things big: The other day, my husband gave me a card and a new wallet, just because. It was a small thing, but it made a big impression. I knew he was thinking about me when we were apart. Connecting with your spouse in small ways that makes them feel loved is a big deal.
  • Fill our minds with thoughts of each other:  Let’s be honest, we live in a world where it’s easy to fill up our tank with outside influences. From the pretty girl in the office or in the magazine to the romantic, handsome guy in the novel we’re reading or movie we’re watching, there are many ways to get satisfaction outside of our spouse. Lust is ignited with a second look. But when we only let our mate fill up our tank, we are on the path to a marriage that is not only white hot, but holy.
  • Go to bed at the same time: While this might not be possible every night, this habit is important because it is a quiet time to connect. Texting and chatting on the phone are a good substitute if you have to be a part. Nearly missing each other constantly brings a chaos to your home that isn’t healthy for your marriage or family.
  • Compliment each other:  This might sound like a no-brainer, but 500 people can like my new hair cut and none of the compliments mean as much as his. Seeing him look at me — really look and watch attraction ignite in his eyes is amazing. We were shopping the other day and I casually pointed out the green t-shirt on sale and said, “That would look good on you.” My daughter tried to convince him to get the red one and I overheard him tell her, “No, mom likes the green.” Your influence over your spouse is powerful, use it to bless them.

Kristen honestly declared that they get it right some days and miss the mark other days. But we never give up. Click to read her entire article on HuffPost

So married couples let this Valentine’s Day be one where focus is placed on the legacy of your union, the sanctity of your marriage and the beautiful yet undiscovered fun and joy in your homes.

We are going to give it a go as well…I’ll remind you weekly for the next 3-4 weeks. Do it! You can do it.
